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Time is passing

May 3, 2023

On our vacation to Canyonlands UT I found myself in a difficult, uncomfortable experience and it gave me pause and a learning opportunity because I found myself doing the exact same thing one of my clients does.   The wind was blowing, gusts up to 60 mph,  and the camper was rocking back and forth…

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Confusion is often a sign of learning

March 8, 2023

Today while I was in ”parent meeting” with the mom of one of my clients we stumbled upon this idea, “Confusion is often a sign of learning”. We decided to be curious, to go slow and to let confusion have some room. It can be uncomfortable to be confused but it means you are shifting,…

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The Power of Regret

January 25, 2023

How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward I just read this wonderful book about Regret and how to see the feeling as something to help you think rather than something to fear.  I also had the opportunity to deal with regret while reading when I spilled my coffee all over the book.  In the book, Daniel…

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Go FlyEase shoes from Nike

February 6, 2021

Nike made some hands free shoes with accessibility in mind. I can’t wait to take a closer look at them! No more laces, zippers or Velcro!

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App to help neurodivergent individuals socialize

January 26, 2021

“Our responsive web-based application helps individuals with special needs (age 13+) find friends at home or on the go, based off their geolocation, diagnosis, age and interests.” There is a real need for this and I can’t wait to set it up for some of my clients. The screenshots say that it will even help…

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Transitioning into Fall

August 18, 2020

If you are like me, you are trying to enjoy the last bits of summer before the school year starts up again. This feels normal but what lies ahead is not but I believe that we can do this. I keep hearing educators, therapists and administrators offering wonderful advice like: set up a schedule to…

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Jordan Olerud

August 15, 2020

PublicI’ve spent the last 4 months transitioning my clients to online meetings, something that I would have thought impossible a mere 5 months ago. I am finally ready to share about what and how I am doing this but I want to take us back to February 23rd, the day Jordan Olerud transitioned out to…

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Through the Eyes of a Parent

May 23, 2020

Elizabeth’s approach to helping our young adult son, and us as a family, has been unique among the many practitioners we have worked with. She has truly ‘learned’ us as opposed to bringing preconceptions or prescribed approaches to growth and skill development. This isn’t to say she doesn’t bring significant experience and technique in her…

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Considering how we might collaborate

March 8, 2020

As the entire Seattle area grapples with the COVID-19 outbreak, I’ve wanted to find a way to support the larger community while remaining of service to my current clients. I keep coming back to focusing on what we are grateful for and how best to build connections during a time when social distance is the…

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