Accepting the Facts: Navigating Client Decisions

In my line of work, I’ve often encountered clients who find themselves stuck in a cycle of saying no to various requests or situations.  How do we move forward?  Well first we must “accept the facts” and then acknowledge out feelings and one crucial aspect of my approach is emphasizing that clients are not obligated…

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A regulated prediction vs. worry

In our journey towards self-regulation, making predictions can be a powerful tool. But here’s the thing: not all predictions are created equal. There’s a difference between a regulated prediction and plain old worry prediction. As a somatic behavioral coach, I often guide my clients through this distinction. Regulated prediction involves a thoughtful assessment of potential…

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“Listen to be impacted”

Over the recent weekend, I had the privilege of attending a workshop led by Marie Thouin, and she shared some insights that truly resonated with me: “listen to be impacted.” While we often hear about the importance of active listening – nodding, paraphrasing, and showing attentiveness – Marie emphasized something deeper. She urged us to…

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Innovating out of necessity

Did you know back in 2009 I started a side business helping neurodivergent children and adults use the iPad? Innovating out of necessity, I devised various solutions to make iPads more user-friendly for my clients. From crafting home button covers to designing gloves with the pointer finger exposed for precise interaction, every invention aimed to…

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Happy solstice and holiday season

Today is the winter solstice and I am filled with gratitude and appreciation.  To those around me, I extend heartfelt wishes for a happy solstice and a holiday season filled with warmth and connection. I hope this new year is one that is filled with profound joy and proud moments.  May all your uncomfortable situations…

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I am going to try it.

I’ve heard of this product, Sensate. Basically it’s a device that promotes relaxation and mindfulness through the power of sound and vibration therapy, using cutting-edge technology with the principles of ancient healing practices. I’m very intrigued and curious.  I’ve asked to borrow one for a bit, as it’s pretty expensive. I want to see what…

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Navigating Liminal Space: Embracing Transitions with Grace

Transitions can be challenging for many of us, and during a recent session with a client, the topic of “transitions” came up. We noticed that his body seems to resist transitions, simply leaving his house is hard for his body to do and it takes bravery and effort. During a parent meeting, I was introduced…

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Tending to our disappointment is a skill

In my sessions I find conduits (things to do) that create situations to work on goals and skill development. In my last post I talked about “matching” and one of my favorite conduits is, you guessed it, playing a matching game.  It is so amazing to slow the game down and  actively prep our bodies…

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